Doble V Whisky Anejo
Added on Thursday, Jan 17, 2013 at 08:16 AM
  Bottler: OB
  Age: NA yrs Type: Other
  Vintage: N/A Subtype: Blend
  ABV: 40.00 % Region: Argentina
  Price: $5 Availability: Overseas Wide
History indicates that Doble V may have or still be made outside Argentina, but pricing and print indicate this bottle as Argentine.
Member Ratings and Notes

Things Argentina does well:  Soccer, Polo, Wine, Tango, Gabriella Sabatini.

Things Argentina does badly:  Economy, war, air conditioning, whisky*.

This particular whisky was introduced to me by my brother-in-law via whisky soaked grapes.  First I blamed the grapes, many apologies to the farmer, and then I had a taste of the whisky:

This is one of the most horrible liquids I've ever had in my body, including that which I expel.  It's rubbing alcohol that's tainted in some way, i.e. I would not even put this on a wound for fear of infection.  Because this will likely never escape Argentina I will have my wife translate it into Spanish:

Este whisky especial me fue presentado por mi cunado a través de uva remojadas en whisky. Primero culpe  a las uvas, muchas disculpando al agricultor, y luego probe el sabor del whisky:

Este es uno de los líquidos más horribles que he tenido en mi, incluida la que yo expulso de mi cuerpo. Su alcohol está viciado de alguna manera, es decir, que ni siquiera volvería a poner esto en una herida por temor a la infección.


*2020 update: La Alazana and EM&C have restored the nations's whisky pride. 

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