High Plains Most Wanted Bourbon
Added on Friday, Aug 5, 2011 at 06:08 PM
  Bottler: OB
  Age: N/A Type: American
  Vintage: N/A Subtype: Bourbon
  ABV: 40.00 % Region: Kansas
  Price: N/A Availability: Specialty Stores
Member Ratings and Notes
Nose:  Not much really, some alcohol fumes and a perfumy character.
Palate:  Sweet rubbing alcohol, vodka with sugar and vanilla extract and a few drops of cough syrup. 
Finish:  Vanilla Extract. 

This has no discernible bourbon characteristics.  The only question I'm left with is most wanted by whom? 

N: Rubbing alcohol. If I really pay attention I can almost get a faint hit of white dog sweetness but - nah, I think it's just rubbing alcohol. A little vanilla/cake cone aroma. 


P: Oily at first, a little thick. Some slight raw sugar sweetness. Generic alcohol note. No real flavor. Tastes young.


F: A little hint of nail polish remover, some late heat, a little sugar and a touch of vanilla syrup.


The fake vanilla taste really wrecks this. There's nothing I'd ever willingly come back to on this.  


Tasted Blind:



N: Is this whisky? Cereal and loads of vanilla extract. Smells very artificial.

P: Vanilla and...um more vanilla. Kinda cough syrupy sweet (artificial)

F: none



I couldnt believe this was bourbon. After the reveal I poured a bit more to try to find the bourbon"y" notes. I couldn't and subsquently dropped this from a C- to D+ b/c there is no boubon character here. It was an artificial vanilla flavored drink.


n: weird nose of caramel, grass compost, lemon foam soap. Smells of Cheerios in soured milk.


t: Grandma's cough syrup, artificial vanilla, nail polish remover. Simple syrup middle, with even more of the caramel flavour (like the syrup you put into coffee). It's impossible to get over the artificial flavours in this. This can't be bourbon...  [D-/F]

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